Los Alamos Amateur Radio Club sponsors several weekly nets:
70 cm FM Net on the WD9CMS Repeater: Sunday at 2000 local time. Managed by LAARC. Repeater Input: 449.775 MHz, 131.8 Hz Input Tone Repeater Output: 444.775 MHz, 127.3 Hz Output Tone
70 cm WD9CMS Emergency Communications Net: Meets on the third Sunday each month, 1900 local time, on the WD9CMS repeater. The net's focus is on emergency communications issue in Los Alamos County. It is a forum for local amateur radio operators who could serve as a communications resource during emergencies. Repeater Input: 449.775 MHz, 131.8 Hz Input Tone Repeater Output: 444.775 MHz, 127.3 Hz Output Tone
2-Meter FM Net: There is currently no 2-meter net
10-Meter USB Net: Meets on Sunday at 2100 local time on 28.440 MHz.