Los Alamos Amateur Radio Club has a team of Volunteer Examiners (VE) who administers Amateur Radio exams. The exams are conducted on a quarterly basis as well as on additional dates as needed. Please visit this page for the latest exam schedule.
List of Los Alamos Amateur Radio Club Volunteer Examiners (as of 2/13/2023):
William Boedeker NM5BB Richard Browning AD5RB Robert Darlington N3XKB Alan Hack W5UO Markus Hehlen KF5TJQ George Idzorek KJ5CAS Ted Karki W5VXE Alden Oyer AG5S David W. Powell NM5U Norman Worth AE5NQ John Zoltai KF5REI
Public Service & Public Safety
Los Alamos Amateur Radio Club provides communication support for a variety of public events in Northern New Mexico. Over the years this has included:
Equestrian events and marathon events at the Valles Caldera
Communications for the annual MS-150 bike ride
Bill Boedeker (NM5BB) working with the State Interoperable Communications Working Group Core (SICWG) for 10 years. LAARC was responsible for the installation of 21 tri-band repeater sites in New Mexico for public Safety, an $8,000,000.00 project for interoperable communications.
Field Day
Every year on the fourth full weekend in June, LAARC participates in the nationwide ARRL Field Day. We operate as W5PDO from multiple stations set up at the North Mesa Picnic Grounds in Los Alamos, NM. Check out the impressions from the June 2016 Field Day here.
2016 National Parks On The Air (NPOTA)
Many LAARC members are active in the 2016 NPOTA to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the National Park Service (NPS). We are active with (1) making contacts from the many NPS units in our New Mexico neighborhood and (2) making contacts with as many NPS units as possible. LAARC has already logged confirmed contacts with 144 separate NPS units using our club call W5PDO.