This page is intended to facilitate the sale and trading of Amateur Radio items in the greater Los Alamos area. Please email the webmaster if you would like to add or delete a posting. Please contact the seller directly if you are interested in an item.
Radio Equipment for sale
[SOLD] Complete Collins station:
Receiver 75S1 WE with CW filter, with full crystals, Serial number 241
Transmitter, 32S1 WE with full crystals, serial number 10431
Station Control 312B4 WE serial number 54227
Power Supply for 32S1, 516F2 with new capacitors, serial number 2855. Includes solid state rectifiers and glass tubes. Can be mounted in the speaker case.
Speaker 312B3 WE No serial number
All were working last time I had them together. Will be sold as a group or individually.
All have original paper manuals for them included.
- Scott marine receiver, model # SLRM. This receiver was designed to be completely shielded for use on merchant ships during WW2 to avoid foreign ships locating them. It comes with a shock mount base, and the original users manual. It is very heavy. Covers the BC band up to 18.0 mhz. With a power cord that matches the socket, 115 vac.
- A set of cassette tapes to learn CW. Two from Ameco and one cassette from ARRL. The Ameco speeds are for Advanced and Extra license and the ARRL from 15 to 20 wpm.
- Two shoe boxes of individual components in plastic bags. Each value is 5 or 10 in a bag. Resisters from1.0 ohm to 30 meg ohm. Capacitors from 0.001 mfd to 1.0 mfd and 100 pfd to 70 pfd ceramic discs, also are included a number of solid state devices, buzzers, and relays from a garage sale find.
- Yaesu, FT-1802M 2 meter transceiver mobile unit, in working order with mounting base, power cord, mobile microphone and stand that fits cup holder in a car/SUV. Included is a 2 meter whip with NMO base.
I can furnish pictures of each item if you are interested.